Tuesday, 14 May 2013

I'll be back

Exam season is officially upon us (cue collective cry of despair). Being only at the beginning of my long list of 21 exams, my days consist of what seems like a constant loop of revision! As you can imagine, this leaves little time for blogging. A very heart breaking truth indeed.

So, this is just a quick post to apologies for my current and inevitable lack of posting. Unfortunately in this instance Paige of Fashion is going to have to suffer a little. Never fear though, as soon as the summer holiday breaks on June 20th, I will be back in full force! Until then you can follow me on twitter for my fashion musings daily - @PaigeOfFashion - or email me with any questions or requests at paigeoffashion@hotmail.co.uk .

May mood board 

Thank you all for being so wonderfully patient! 
Bethany Paige X


  1. Good luck, I'm in a similar situation right now - though I only have 9 exams and I've done French already! How you can handle 21 omg*-*

    But yeah, good luck again ~ I'm sure you'll do great! xx

    1. Thank you, good luck to you too lovely! And haha it's really hard work but I'm getting there xx

  2. http://www.asos.com/ASOS/ASOS-ALL-ABOARD-Flatform-Ankle-Boots/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=2635244&SearchQuery=nude&sh=0&pge=2&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Nude

    bby here ya go
